Sunday, August 17, 2008

Announcing SHF #46 : Meringue! EXTENDED!


This month I decided to do meringue. I for one, dont make it enough. For me its either a success or a disaster, so good luck! August is a good month for this light airy creation so make it yours!!

- The deadline for this month SHF is August 31st. I HAVE EXTENDED IT FOR THE WEEKEND. Entries will be posted on Monday September 1st.

- In your post, please include a link to Jennifer's blog the creator of SHF and mine so it is easy to track back posts.

- Once you have posted, send me an email at Please, please, include the following information:
  • your name

  • your blog name

  • your blog URL

  • your post title and short description is you wish
  • Permalink for your entry

  • Brief Summary of your entry

  • a picture of your dessert resized to be 200 pixels wide with your blog name as your picture file name
- If you do not have a blog and wish to participate, send me an email at the above address with a description and picture of your creation. If you wish to provide a recipe, and I encourage you to.

I will let you know when I receive your entry. If you don't hear from me in more than a couple of days, don't hesitate to email me

Lets see your meringue creations!!!!


Kelly said...

Sounds like fun. I've missed the past couple of months so I am looking forward to getting back into it!

cindy* said...

last month was my first month and i loved it and have been waiting to see what this month would be. i have been thinking about meringues for a while now, i am excited!

Melly said...

Great! This is my first time hosting and participating... should be interesting!

Helene said...

Hi there! Quick question: does it have to be "a" meringue or a dessert that includes meringue but does not necessarily end up looking like a cute meringue button?

Melly said...

It can be a desert that includes meringue, for sure.

Can't wait to see it!

Melly said...

I'm accepting late entries so you can still send them to me Thursday!!!

Melly said...

Entries will be posted Sept. 1st so if you want to make a meringue creation this weekend, send entries to me by Sunday Aug 31st!